Pray4Pashtuns Ramadan2024

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

Prayer Fuel


Day 13-The Next Generation

  • For Pashtun children and youth to be protected from evil influences and instead influence their country for good.
  • For Pashtun children and youth to hear the gospel and find their purpose, hope, and joy in Jesus.
  • For the children of P believers will grow up to believe, love and follow Jesus.
  • For Pashtun children and youth who believe in Christ to grow a deep, mature, personal relationship with him.

LUKE 18:16″But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

TRIBAL WATCH Zadran are one of the most well-known ethnic tribes in south eastern Afghanistan found living in the three provinces of Paktia, Paktika & Khost. These provinces are now known as ‘Loya Paktia’, meaning Greater Paktia. There are more than half a million Zadrans living in this mountainous region, in addition to other parts of Afghanistan & NW Pakistan. ‘Loya Paktia’ is one of the most politically complicated regions in Afghanistan. Militia commanders have a strong presence in the province,
and their shifting allegiances & violent tendencies make governance of the region problematic. Until today, some areas remain a safe haven for militants of the Zadran tribe from the Haqqani clan; it is said that they introduced suicide bombing to the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. Now members of this clan run the secret service in the present administration. Pray for many Zadran (and Haqqani) to hear the good news and come the faith and lead many to faith. Pray for men of peace to be raised up amongst the Zadran tribe, who would lead the way in building peace in Afghanistan.

More Reading:

Many young Pashtuns dream of a bright future despite the unique challenges they face. They are growing up between the tension of traditional, conservative Islamic ways and encroaching Western values. For Pashtun girls, life’s opportunities are determined by the values of the family they come from. Boys and men have more freedom, but they frequently endure unemployment, endless temptations, and limited education.

Some students place their hope in education. But getting to attend school is not always guaranteed, especially for girls and those in rural areas under the Taliban. Many Pashtun children are sent to Qur’anic schools where they are trained to be good Muslims and memorize the Qur’an in Arabic. Bright young Pashtun men pursue university education if their families can afford it. And even though tradition dictates that women should marry young and bear children, increasing numbers of young Pashtun women are allowed to attend university. Many of these youths are bursting with creativity, innovation, and talent, full of potential to contribute their skills to society.

For the last several years, finding employment has been difficult. Thousands of young Pashtun men travel treacherous miles and sneak across borders in hopes of a better life. Lack of employment opportunities creates the temptation to join extremist groups like the Taliban or the Islamic State, who actively recruit youth—even on college campuses—with the promise of a stable income. Many Pashtun youths also find themselves caught in addictions when they turn to gaming, pornography, or drugs to find relief from their fears or boredom.

The challenges faced by young Pashtuns are many, but Christ offers hope and purpose! One previously rebellious teenager, whose father was a drug addict, gave his life to Christ after he saw his father become a believer and be freed from his addiction. Another young Afghan believer shares his story: “I was eight when my family fled from Afghanistan to India because the Taliban were plotting to kill us because of my dad’s faith. Growing up in India, I had a hard time understanding God’s plan as to why he brought us out of Afghanistan. This question was a huge wall between my spiritual growth and me for many years. I was 17 or 18 years old when I finally understood the wonderful plan that God had for my family and me. He wanted to save us and use us for his glory among the Afghan

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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